You’ve been asked by the 3rd grade teacher in your school to develop a simple program that provides students with some random multiplication practice.
Your program needs to:
ask the student for the lowest and highest numbers they want included, saving the inputs in variables lowEnd and highEnd.
generate two random integers within the range of lowEnd to highEnd. Save these numbers in the variables firstNum and secondNum.
prompt the user to submit their answer to the multiplication of firstNum and secondNum.
print the solution to the problem once they submit their answer.
A sample run looks like this (everything to the right of the colon in the sample is a number inputted by the user, not printed by the program):
A couple of hints:
Just like how you can combine strings and variables in a console.log() print, you can also do so in a user input function like readInt().
For example, the code: readInt(firstNum + " - " + secondNum + ": "); would prompt the user to input an answer to the subtraction of the variables firstNum and secondNum.
You can use a blank console.log() to print a blank line in your output. This helps make the output easier to read.
Make sure you are writing your program within the main() function and calling it!
Guide On Rating System
def main():
lowEnd = readInt("Lowest Number: ")
highEnd = readInt("Highest Number: ")
firstNum = random(lowEnd, highEnd)
secondNum = random(lowEnd, highEnd)
answer = readInt(str(firstNum) + " x " + str(secondNum) + " = ")
solution = firstNum * secondNum
if answer == solution:
console.log("Incorrect. The correct answer is " + str(solution) + ".")