The article "Smartphone Nation"† describes a study of how people ages 50 to 64 years use cell phones. In
this study, each person in a sample of adults thought to be representative of this age group was asked
about whether he or she kept a cell phone by the bed at night. The researchers conducting this study hoped
to use the resulting data to learn about the proportion of people in this age group who sleep with their cell
phone nearby
Answer the four key questions.
Q, Question Type: Estimation or hypothesis testing?
S, Study Type: Sample data or experiment data?
T, Type of Data: One variable or two? Categorical or numerical?
N, Number of Samples or Treatments: How many samples or treatments?
Guide On Rating System
Q, Question Type: Estimation or hypothesis testing?
S, Study Type: Sample data or experiment data?
Sample data
T, Type of Data: One variable or two? Categorical or numerical?
N, Number of Samples or Treatments: How many samples or treatments?
One sample