In one or two sentences, discuss how each of the four factors below play a role in determining relative acidity strength. In other words, discuss the general trends, be concise and specific
(a) Periodic Trends
(b) Resonance
(c) Induction
(d) Orbitals
Guide On Rating System
(a) Periodic trends: Generally, as you move across a period on the periodic table, acidity strength increases due to the increasing electronegativity of elements, which results in greater ability to stabilize negative charge in the conjugate base.
(b) Resonance: The presence of resonance structures can increase acidity strength by delocalizing the negative charge and spreading it over multiple atoms, making the conjugate base more stable.
(c) Induction: The presence of electronegative atoms or groups nearby can increase acidity strength by withdrawing electron density from the conjugate base, stabilizing it through the inductive effect.
(d) Orbitals: Acidity strength is generally enhanced when the atom donating the proton has a large, diffuse, and easily polarizable orbital, as this allows for better overlap and stabilization of the negative charge in the conjugate base.