Focus on promoting student engagement and active learning to promote interpersonal and academic integrity.
From a student perspective, faculty are central to the learning experience. Many of our students spend the greatest amount of time in class interacting with faculty. As such, faculty have the opportunity to cultivate relationships with students and are often in the best position to become aware of violations of academic integrity. Examine how nursing faculty can collectively cultivate an environment that positively contributes to active learning and proactively prevents/responds to student misconduct and cheating? Consider legal and ethical implications in your response.
Sources: You may use your text books and other reading material, but you must also include at least two additional articles from peer reviewed nursing journals.
Guide On Rating System
Promoting student engagement and active learning is essential in fostering a positive learning environment and preventing student misconduct and cheating. Here are some strategies that nursing faculty can consider:
1. Establish a supportive and inclusive classroom environment: Create a safe space where students feel comfortable participating and sharing their thoughts. Encourage open dialogue, respect diverse perspectives, and promote a sense of belonging.
2. Use active learning strategies: Incorporate interactive activities, case studies, simulations, and group work into the curriculum. This engages students in their learning, encourages critical thinking, and reduces the likelihood of boredom or disinterest.
3. Provide clear expectations: Clearly communicate academic integrity policies and expectations from the beginning of the course. Explain the consequences of misconduct and cheating, emphasizing the importance of ethical behavior.
4. Foster academic integrity through education: Develop workshops or seminars on academic integrity and ethical conduct. Educate students on proper citation techniques, plagiarism prevention, and the importance of upholding professional standards.
5. Implement formative assessments: Regularly assess student progress through quizzes, midterm exams, and other formative assessments. This helps faculty identify potential issues early on and intervene when necessary.
6. Encourage peer collaboration and mentorship: Foster a supportive learning community where students collaborate and support each other. Promote peer mentoring programs, study groups, and team-based learning to enhance interpersonal relationships and discourage cheating.
7. Utilize technology for prevention: Incorporate plagiarism detection software to identify potential instances of misconduct. Clearly communicate to students that their work will be screened for originality.
8. Respond promptly and consistently to misconduct: Develop a comprehensive protocol for addressing academic misconduct. Investigate allegations thoroughly, treat all students fairly, and provide appropriate consequences following institutional policies. Ensure consistency in addressing similar violations.
Legal and ethical implications should be considered when implementing these strategies. Nursing faculty should be knowledgeable about relevant institutional policies and legal frameworks related to academic integrity. Faculty must respect students' privacy rights and confidentiality when addressing misconduct and ensure due process is followed in any disciplinary actions. Additionally, it is important to be aware of any potential biases when addressing misconduct allegations to ensure fair and equitable treatment of all students.
1. Oermann, M. H., & Gaberson, K. B. (2014). Evaluation and Testing in Nursing Education (4th ed.). Springer Publishing Company.
2. Reddy, R. M., & Andrusyszyn, M. A. (2019). Evaluation and Alteration of Academic Misconduct: A Faculty Learning Experience. Journal of Nursing Education, 58(12), 682-685.
3. Yeo, M., & Chun, S. (2019). The relationship among self-reported cheating, academic dishonesty, and ethical behaviors among nursing students. Nurse Education Today, 72, 56-61.
4. Gosselin, K., & Grove, S. K. (2021). Law for nurse educators: What you really need to know (2nd ed.). Springer Publishing Company.