1.1. Define the term safeguarding in relation to children and young people.
1.2. Explain how child protection relates to safeguarding.
1.3. Outline current legislation, national guidelines and policies affecting the safeguarding and protection of children and young people.
2.1. Explain why it is important to ensure children and young people are protected from harm and abuse.
2.2. Explain how findings from official inquiries and child safeguarding practice reviews are used to inform practice.
2.3. Identify policies and procedures that are in place to protect children and young people and the adults who work with them.
2.4. Analyse how working practices with children and young people reflect national and local guidelines, policies and procedures for safeguarding.
2.5. Explain how following procedures helps protect team members from allegations and complaints as well as protecting children and young people from harm and abuse.
2.6. Explain the importance of building positive, trusting and consistent relationships with children and young people who are vulnerable to harm or abuse.
2.7. Describe systems and practices to ensure children and young people can voice allegations, concerns and complaints and be confident these will be addressed.
3.1. Describe types of abuse that a child or young person may experience.
3.2. Describe signs and indicators associated with each type of abuse.
3.3. Describe factors which increase the vulnerability of children and young people in residential childcare.
3.4. Summarise common myths about people who harm and abuse children and young people
3.5. Describe known characteristics of perpetrators and their behaviours that can make it difficult for children and young people to report harm or abuse and for others to recognise and address abusive activity.
4.1. Outline the actions to be taken in line with policies and procedures if abuse is suspected.
4.2. Explain the importance of early identification of abuse.
4.3. Explain why warning signs may be misinterpreted or ignored.
4.4. Explain reasons why a child or young person may not recognise that they are being abused or exploited.
4.4. Explain reasons why a child or young person may not recognise that they are being abused or exploited.
5.2. Outline the policies and procedures that should be followed in response to concerns or evidence of bullying.
5.3. Explain why policies and procedures regarding bullying are necessary.
5.4. Explain how to support a child or young person when bullying is suspected or alleged.
6.1. Explain the risks and possible consequences for children and young people from:
• social networking
• Internet use
• buying and selling online
• electronic communication devices.
6.2. Describe ways of reducing risk to children and young people from:
• social networking
• Internet use
• buying and selling online
• electronic communication devices.
7.1. Describe the risks to a child or young person who goes missing from care.
7.2. Outline actions to be taken in line with policies and procedures when a child or young person goes missing.
7.3. Explain the importance of prompt and persistent action when a child or young person goes missing.
8.1. Define child sexual exploitation and its relationship to human trafficking.
8.2. Describe how child sexual exploitation differs from non-abusive sexual activity.
8.3. Outline different patterns of child sexual exploitation in relation to:
• gangs
• groups
• solo perpetrators.
8.4. Describe typical behaviour patterns of those who sexually exploit children and young people.
8.5. Describe the support that should be offered to a child or young person who has been the victim of child sexual exploitation.
8.6. Explain the role of key partners in protecting children and young people from sexual exploitation.
Guide On Rating System
9.1. Define the term radicalisation in relation to children and young people.
9.2. Explain how extremist beliefs can be a risk to the safeguarding of children and young people.
9.3. Describe signs and indicators that may suggest a child or young person is being radicalised.
9.4. Outline the actions to be taken in line with policies and procedures if concerns about radicalisation arise.
9.5. Explain why it is important to work with early intervention strategies to support children and young people at risk of radicalisation.
10.1. Define the term forced marriage and the impact it can have on children and young people.
10.2. Describe signs and indicators that may suggest a child or young person is at risk of forced marriage.
10.3. Outline the actions to be taken in line with policies and procedures if concerns about forced marriage arise.
10.4. Explain the importance of working with other agencies in cases of forced marriage to protect the child or young person.
10.5. Describe the support that should be offered to a child or young person at risk of forced marriage.
11.1. Describe the different types of substance misuse that may impact on children and young people.
11.2. Explain the risks and consequences of substance misuse for children and young people.
11.3. Describe signs and indicators that may suggest a child or young person is misusing substances.
11.4. Outline the actions to be taken in line with policies and procedures if concerns about substance misuse arise.
11.5. Explain the importance of early intervention and prevention strategies in addressing substance misuse in children and young people.
12.1. Explain the importance of supporting children and young people in their transition to adulthood.
12.2. Describe the potential risks and challenges that children and young people may face during the transition to adulthood.
12.3. Describe the support that should be provided to children and young people during the transition to adulthood.
12.4. Explain the importance of multi-agency working in supporting the transition to adulthood for children and young people.